

my friend erin took a most beautiful photograph of shawna, and i modified it a bit, as seen above. i think it's absolutely magnificent, and doubt you'll disagree. she's very soon to be taking vancity's music scene by storm- keep your eyes and ears peeled. shawna is, of course, not drugged; although, perhaps some of us might feel a little unstable on our feet after seeing the above photograph (the title refers to the following entry).

some people have accused me of searching for any valid excuse to take up coffee again. for the most part, i consider myself to have been strong and obstinate in my decision to relinquish its joys and pleasant psychoactive side-effects. that was until i read about its truly elixir-like qualities in last week's time magazine:

"caffeine appears to have some protective effect against liver damage, parkinson's disease, diabetes, altzheimer's, gallstones, depression and maybe even some forms of cancer."

"...caffeine does't make you inherently smarter; it just lets you call more effectively on the intelligence you already have."

"caffeine is just a single chemical, of course, whereas coffee contains scores of substances. some of them are antioxidants, which could explain part of its protective effect against disease."

so, a posteriori, it appears as though i've passed through a lenten season, albeit a trifle early, but that now it would be in my best interest to again join the majority of wet-coasters who live continuously, though very happily and perhaps more intelligently, drugged.


James Perreaux said...

weak sauce

Alex Fritz said...

hmm... a justification for addiction... that's new...


Just kiddin' guess I should join the ranks too..

Anonymous said...

you can pretty it up however you like. but lets call a spade a spade...or shall we say a crutch a crutch.

bri and shawn said...

nicely put, jason... brandon, take note of your friend's honesty, and lets put this whole coffee thing behind us, okay? i think that you are essentially saying that you need some sort of "substance" to make you "smarter" and "stronger"... seems interesting coming from mr. invincible.
:) lots of love coffee boy.

rob said...

oooh burn. do i sense a little sibling rivalry??