

coldplay in an acoustic set during their show at vancouver's gm place, january
twenty-sixth. thanks to durian on flickr for the photograph i didn't take.

with spontaneity that keeps me alive, i took a last minute ticket to see coldplay at gm place last night (thanks james pro). whoa...if you weren't there, you really should have been. one of the better concerts i've ever been to by far. at one point in the evening, during the song 'yellow,' myriad yellow balloons as big as my room (which doesn't really say much, actually) fell from the ceiling, that, when punctured, baptized the entire audience with golden glitter. then, at the end of the show, the deity joined his worshippers in a quick jaunt around the ground floor, where - gasp! - some mere mortals were permitted to embrace his feet and legs as he serenaded us from atop a humble equipment box at the back of the stadium. no priestly bodyguards to hinder the groping laity. of course, i'm not mocking. if i had been of the chosen few lucky enough to be permitted into the inner-courts of the ground floor, i too would have thrown myself upon him hoping that a touch of his sweat would make me a star. or at least fix my bum knee.


bri and shawn said...

your knee has a bum?!!?

Anonymous said...

hah thats pretty funny. i guess you picked up on rockstar worship when you were there. but isn't it painfully obvious at any heavy metal concert?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you just needed to have a haemorrhage, instead of a bum knee. Then Mr. Martin also might have questioned you when he felt power leave him as you touched the hem of his garment...I may be getting a few stories mixed up here though. I also didn't know knees had bums. Good one Brier.

Anonymous said...

thanks, brandon. your being a certified fitness guru gave you definite license to berate me for acting like such a sloth. but instead, i now feel good about my slothlike behaviour, and am guilt free. nice. ~heather

jennyc said...

of all the random things... well Brandon (if you even remember me, haha)... this is Jen, one of your lowly treeplanters from Atikokan '05. i don't know how I stumbled across this... maybe because I have known your sister's friend Laura for just about forever then from Robyn's blog I found this blog... or something like that in my procrastination via reading blogs that happens frequently. Anyway- i heard a rumour that you were going to be coming back to the bush- I'm going out your way actually, planting with Folklore :) Hope all is well in the west.