
hungry hungry


is everyone aware that hippos kill the greatest number of people out of any animal in the world?! we've got lots of them here in burundi. (photo for aunt bev)


Nic. said...

Hey Brandon...that's so cool that you saw hippos!! Just wanted to say 'Hi' and that I enjoy reading your posts! Sounds like you're having a great time.

rob said...


Erin Sigler said...

holy hot tamales! That´s awesome!

Anonymous said...

we're sitting in the library in Boynton Beach checking up on our emails and blogs. The hippo picture is great. We're having a great time with Brier and Shawn, but sure wish the rest of our kids were with us. Hopefully your parcel will actually get to you on time, but if not, just know we're thinking and praying for you. dad and mom

Anonymous said...

Brandon, if you remember I asked for a picture of a hippo and an elephant. I shall assume this one was posted just for me.(Well I can pretend, can't I). If your card doesn't get there in time I just want to wish you a happy and healthy Christmas.I will keep you in my thoughts. Take care. Love Aunt Bev. xoxo