

bri, i'm making an attempt to keep up with the coolness of my siblings. i can't at this moment match the other one, but this photo might just prove that i'm catching up to you. taken near the summit of cypress, i made my way, solo, to the top. the other group members figured i'd realize that they weren't going to complete our little adventure, and after twenty minutes of pondering their slowness while i was soaking up the sunshine and the summit vista, i understood that they had left me to my own devices. i removed my snowshoes and ran down, anxious to relieve their worries for my whereabouts and wellbeing. overtaking them halfway back to the parking lot, i discovered they had no such concerns.


bri and shawn said...

THAT is a nice photo. You might just win.

bri and shawn said...

ps. why does everything look so funky-monkey?

Anonymous said...

dangyo. you know if i'da been there i wouldn't have wussed out like the rest of 'em

brando said...

i know it. and there are of course some upcoming adventures this summer on which you can prove it...

rob said...

duuuude. it's cold enough here right now to almost make me jealous of you. well, i'm pretty envious, but today might just be a fluke. hopefully the sun will come out tomorrow so i can continue my surfboard search.... :P but man, NICE pic brandon. you definitely win.

Anonymous said...

its gonna be a busy summer for me what with the wedding and all. july 29. mark your calendar dude.

brando said...

marked. absolutely.