

"there's something so healing about this place," she said to me. i agreed. it seemed as though i had only escaped from the city a few moments earlier, and yet i was already feeling renewed. the rhythm of the ebbing tide brings healing. its inexorable return is the comfort of languishing intertidal denizens. waiting. i wait. to become a breaker that will change the surrounding landscape and bring healing. because they wait.



due to an overwhelming flood of angry comments regarding my previous entry, i should rephrase my opinions about the hummer. i concede that it's possible they aren't all as sinister as i've made them out to be.



this one's for you, joseph. if ever i've seen something more worthy of a stick of dynamite.... perhaps the owners of this monstrosity would like for their silly little dogs to play a little game of tnt fetch after a tough day at the doggy spa. on second thought, they wouldn't be able to run fast enough in their little booties (the booties whose colour matched that of their slimmed-down eco-friendly h3). or, we could accomodate everyone by leaving a slender stick with them while they recline and surf the web in the comfort of their vehicle.



the new demitone recording studio is straight up sexy. holy cow. i spent the day there today laying down tracks for a friend's song, to be released on an upcoming album by point grey community church. i'm very excited to hear the finished product; it's certainly going to surpass expectations.

on another note, my prescience that the unrelenting winter rains are now upon us is seeming to be accurate. but i purchased a new jacket to help me stay dry; it was laura's fault. my parents will need to bring theirs when they come out to visit on the eighteenth (which is a cue for you to make sure your parcells for me make it to them before they leave). i'm excited.



in vancouver, the falling leaves portend the long rains of winter, and i fear they have now begun. in the comfort of a warm bed-coccoon, it becomes increasingly difficult to metamorphose into an alert and functioning civil participant. eyes require more than fluorescent tubes to emerge from their sleep. but here i go, wish me luck.